The International Refugee Rights Association (UMHD) has made tens of thousands of war victim
children laugh, with the “Unlimited Festivity’ activities organized in Kilis and in the regions
cleared from terrorism in Syria.
Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives in Syria during the civil war that lasted for 7
years and millions of Syrians left their countries and took refuge in neighbor countries.
Turkey stand with Syrians from the first day of the civil war, giving every support to the guests
in the camps established.
Non-governmental organizations support the victims of war without ceasing, with the
campaigns organized with the understanding of “ensar-muhacir” (helpful host-migrant in
Muslim tradition).
On behalf of giving moral support to the war victims those who settled in the area at the zero
point, which was cleared from terrorist organizations with Turkey's operations, the “Unlimited
Festival” event which was organized by UMHD contributes to the smiles on the faces of
approximately 50 thousand children.
This event consists of street games, films, demonstrations, experimental workshops and
competitions. Volunteers of the association tried to create memories for the Syrian children
that they could not forget.
– “We are very happy to be included in their memories.”
UMHD President Uğur Yıldırım, AA correspondent, said in a statement, the children who are the
victim of war have the right to laugh and this organization was held in order to exclaim this to
the world.
Yıldırım stated that they believed the brotherhood did not know the borders and they traveled
to the region to give the Syrian children their rights. “Our hope is that this war will end soon.
They should return to their schools, to their fun childhood days and forget the pain of war as
soon as possible. We launched the “Unlimited Festival” program in 2017 and the program
lasted 15 days last year. This year the festival also lasted 15 days.
Yıldırım said that, during the event they had the chance to deal personally with about 50
thousand children, and school-aged children’s yearly stationery needs are also met.
Stating that the children really loved the organization and had fun, Yıldırım continues:
“In the last year’s event, AA journalist told me that since the war began he took more than 100
thousand children's photos, but he did not take as many pictures of children laughing today.
Our goal is to try to achieve this. First of all, we are shouting to the world that here in Syria,
there is still life, there are more than millions of children here. Maybe it's an ordinary day for
us, but they'll remember today, maybe throughout their lives. We are very happy to be
included in their memories.”
Yıldırım invited all countries to be sensitive about the protection and security of civilians,
especially children.