Istanbul / TURKIYE

“Strength Among Us” Documentary Film



“Strength Among Us” Documentary Film

The nine year war in Syria has forced over 5.6 millions Syrians to flee their country. Turkey hosts a number of 3.6 million Syrian refugees and approximately 900.000 of these are women 18 years and above.

UN reports show that Syrian refugee women with a diverse educational and professional background encounter challenges in being included on the Turkish labor market.They often face discrimination, a mismatch of skills and competencies and unstable work conditions that results in a life rooted in poverty and segregation.

“Strength Among Us” is a documentary that follows four out of the twenty-five Syrian refugee women who were interviewed by the organization IRRA in Istanbul in the project “Get Me on Board”. It aims to depict the various life stories among these women and to honor their resilience, self-sufficiency and strength.